Don’t meet your heroes… Podcast with them!

Quick Links – Interview / @outtheretalk / Valient Himself / music Last week I was very lucky to be hosted by one of my favorite band’s frontman Valient Himself from Valient Thorr on his podcast called… So you’re probably wondering what is OUT THERE w VALIENT HIMSELF and why was I on it? Well, my… Continue reading Don’t meet your heroes… Podcast with them!

Joystick Upgrade – part 3 – Revision and buttons

Quick links: Printables / Adafruit / Switch List …And we’ve got buttons! Before getting too far into the details of how this version came together and where it is now I just wanted to say thank you so much to Andy who has done so much of this project. Between the engineering, the 3D printing,… Continue reading Joystick Upgrade – part 3 – Revision and buttons

3d wall prints

A few days ago I made some quick designs in Illustrator to see if it was easy to extrude something two-dimensional into a three-dimensional model. It worked pretty well! Short and sweet! -mh

Joystick Upgrade – part 2 – Test print…and Legos?

Quick links: Printables / imgur So here we are at the second iteration. This will be the first time that we’ve completely replaced the joystick platform with something 3D printed. I have faith in Andy, he’s very capable. So here’s what he came up with! (If you just want to blast through the imgur here’s… Continue reading Joystick Upgrade – part 2 – Test print…and Legos?

The Goo-enning

Nothing fancy, just watch out for the goo! -mh

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