It’s too adorable, it’s just too adorable and since it is preloaded on the flash drive that accompanies the printer. I had to go with Benchy.

A good friend of mine Andy recommended that I get the prusa Mini Plus because since I’m disabled it’s important to take into account things like maintenance and/or calibration. Making sure that it’s able to print correctly is sometimes a tedious job apparently and since I’m unable to tinker with it close up and adjust settings by hand I frequently have to do things by proxy. So Andy graciously informed me that this was by far the best choice for somebody starting out that won’t have a lot of physical contact with the actual printing device. Basically it’s easier than some of the other models that he’s dealt with over the years. That really helped me get up to speed because although I’m pretty knowledgeable in 3D modeling I’ve had absolutely no printing experience…
…and I can prove it!

It definitely took some time to clean off the nozzle. Between all the crap built up on it consisting of melted plastic and probably cat hair because let’s be honest here, it’s probably their curiosity and dumbassery that botched the print so brutally. Fortunately (cross your fingers and anything else you can cross for me because I probably can’t) that’s the only real catastrophic error I’ve had so far. I do get some botched prints every now and then but somehow I’ve managed to avoid mangling the nozzle again.

Happy printing! May your surfaces create a beautiful sheen, your infil be pleasing yet hidden, and your edges mathematically bevel to a tolerance of your liking…Praise Prusa! Amen.