It’s finally done! Working on Hellboy’s gun was a little bit more of an undertaking than I had originally imagined. It was fun though, so although it took maybe a couple weeks longer than I estimated. Although it doesn’t have all the functionality that a prop version might have like lights in the shells, a… Continue reading SAMARITAN

Turns out super glue dries super fast…

Too fast if you ask me! So what’s going on here? Well, I took my Samaritan 3D model and decided to go the next step of 3D printing. It was a little difficult to chop it up into moderately sized chunklates but I managed. Basically I had to, excluding the cylinder itself, split every object… Continue reading Turns out super glue dries super fast…

Get Started 3D printing with 3ds Max

I completely admit that if you’re going to get started with 3D printing you should probably not start with 3D Studio Max… I would definitely suggest an actual CAD program first and foremost, specifically Fusion 360 because it’s free. But if you did and somehow you’re using the Prusa MINI+ then here is a link… Continue reading Get Started 3D printing with 3ds Max