Seriously, what are the odds that somebody would be selling a Prusa XL 3D printer in my area?

Turns out the odds are pretty good! I’ve been in the market for a new 3D printer for easily a year, or maybe ever since I got my mini. It’s not that the Prusa Mini Plus is a bad printer by any means, it’s just very small. The print size is only 180mm x, y, and z which honestly isn’t too shabby for starting out, but when you want to do large single pieces or say models that you download off printables.com a lot of what’s modeled there is specifically for bigger printers. Some of the more entry-level printers, regardless the price range, have a bigger print bed size so most of the pieces that I download I have to edit. That means I have to load them up in whatever software I’m going to use, find a good crease or area in the model where I can hide a seam for splitting the model, and then print them separately only to glue together which is another step. It’s not that I’m opposed to this process, it’s that I’m not the one doing it. Physically I’m in a wheelchair, my hands don’t work and all sorts of other stuff is lacking to say the least. So when I want to print something I got to ask for help, and that means if it’s larger than the print bed I have to go through extra steps to print those objects. So although I’ve learned a lot from that process, I’ve also learned that if I can get a bigger printer I should just go ahead and do that!

That’s all, just thought I’d update anybody who’s checking out my website that now I have aa tool of absolute power! MUAHAHAHA… But seriously, it’s pretty rad and I’m excited to upgrade from what I was currently using. This should help me make all sorts of huge and interesting monstrosities.