Over the last couple years I’ve been shopping around for a brand new render machine for projects. I suppose it’s not just rendering as it is evolving into a lot of Fusion 360 work which I guess is engineering? But those need rendering to as well as number crunching for all the surfaces. Lately Fusion has been working really well in tandem with 3D Studio Max so I’ve been going back and forth quite a bit. So I decided to throw a little bit of extra money down to make sure I could handle all sorts of stuff. Although my last machine was a Threadripper 2990WX which isn’t exactly old, but that was from 2017! I know right!? It’s basically starting kindergarten I don’t think desktops are supposed to get that old… The Threadripper is pushing 6 years old! It’s basically EOL, right? Of course not. It still gets a workout playing games and as a backup render station. But it’ll be a great little buddy to my brand new EPYC 64-core Genoa processor driven workhorse!

So what’s the cheese about? Well that was the first project I made to break it in. I suppose it didn’t need all the horsepower that I have available but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t get used in a certain way. I bounced back and forth between using the graphics card as a renderer and the usual CPU cores and even though there’s a 4090 in this beast, the cores kept up and I think it did a fine job crunching the numbers in an unnecessarily quick period of time.
Interesting side note: So the cheese didn’t have a material. That was the default color swatch from the object creation and because of that crazy luck I didn’t want to change it. What were the chances that 3D Studio Max primitive Cube (that I eventually gussied up the model of) would have been this terrible orange looking cheese color!? The odds are astronomical. So it’s staying forever. The cheese grater however did take a couple hours Of second guessing the best practice for its creation. I have never done anything like that before…
First project with my new computer. Very exciting to see what it can do!