Pretty stupid for something that looks a lot like a mouse right? Well it is and it isn’t. It is a stupid name because it looks exactly like a mouse and for all you know it probably works just like a mouse…however it has all the functionality except the actual tracking of a mouse. But why you ask?

Well I had this awesome idea that if I could just double up the amount of buttons I have on my mouse that would mean I would have that many extra buttons to play a video game with. A lot of the games that I play I don’t necessarily need the actual Mouse movement, but I do need a hell of a lot more buttons. This solved that problem however, my hands are atrophied enough that unfortunately I can’t move my fingers to the multiple places to press the buttons to make it worthwhile. So, kind of back to the drawing board here.
I just wanted to throw this out there to show that I am doing stuff, but they are tremendous failures. So I don’t know, maybe I’ll win some points for trying?