Personally, I’m not the most religious person on the planet. Probably far from it. From being prayed on by religious people to them convincing me if I believe hard enough I will be cured, I’ve just about had all I can stomach of organized religion in the United States. So I thought, how could I tell stories that would be ridiculous but also potentially obnoxious? Well, take the main character and put him in a wheelchair!

Similar to my other projects my goal is always to cut down on items that would need a lot of redrawing in the animation process. So that means a lot of still frame assets that move only slightly. Basically his entire lower half is static throughout animations. Of course if I wasn’t disabled, maybe it would be more fun to draw out every frame but fortunately most of what I think it’s funny is dialogue-driven. Meaning the characters physical activity isn’t as important as what they’re saying, and how they’re saying it. So this character can basically control his face and right hand, that’s about it. Again, complex animations is just out of my wheelhouse so I disabled main character plays to my strengths.
What about his look? Well, I imagine if Jesus came back to Earth for some awful reason he would most likely be a Slayer fan. Handicapped Jesus’s wheelchair is based off my grade school wheelchair which was this hideous teal color. The only thing that could make it worse was the awful bumper stickers that I had on it which I chose not to include here. The last thing about the character…the stigmata.

Unfortunately, because I think it is the most clever part about this, I was not clever enough to come up with that idea, It was all my wife. The thing about power wheelchairs are if you’re going to drive them you’re likely going to have a joystick of some sort. So if you put two and two together, it makes a very creative way to pilot a wheelchair