The SAMARITAN prop gun from HELLBOY
Over the course of a month (October 2023) I worked on and completed a version of The Samaritan which is the gun that Hellboy uses.

Blog Posts:
Part I – Modeling: HELLBOY’S Samaritan
Part II – Turns out super glue dries super fast…
This process consisted of:
- Searching for reference images and creating image planes
- Modeling the objects in 3D Studio Max
- Redesigning parts for print on a 180mm size print bed
- Slicinh and printing individual objects
- Assembly with glue and locking magnets.
Not sure how many hours and iterations the project went through but overall it was a fun exercise. That’s all from me but I’m including some files and examples below in case you’re interested in creating your own Samaritan revolver!
Assets to share:
Reference Images and Imageplanes
Unfortunately i didn’t create these (good ol google to the rescue) but I did divide these up equally so you can quickly align them up with three square planes.
These should get you going.

Other Examples
In addition to the starter images there’s a forum thread here that helped quite a bit with some of the small internal detail that a professional cosplayer put into their design efforts. There’s a point at which where personally
Sharable Model
I’m trying to decide where to upload these model parts so they can be printed by whoever might be interested. If you’re interested before then just contact me and I’ll send you a copy!

Thanks for looking!